Went over to Miss Tina's last night for this year's salsa making. We were joined by Susie R. (a co-worker of Tina's) who wanted to see how we made our salsa and you know that after one year of making salsa we are experts. Hardy, Hare, Hare! Well, let me clarify my salsa is the wimpy (very much mild) and Tina's is the "let's get crazy hot" type. So, Susie was able to sample both and add the ingredients to her liking. I love all the colors that make the salsa-the vibrant reds, greens, etc. Salsa is alot of work but we had a great time and I brought home 13 jars! Enjoy the pics!
Susie R, Tina, Me (can you believe it? I'm in these pictures!)
Notice the Polar Pop! Dr. Pepper is a must!
Gotta LOVE our aprons, I am telling you 1 yr's experience changes the way we did things! For example, we both bought canning kits that include the jar gripper for lifting jars in and out of the water baths.

The photographer, the carrier of all things heavy, the encourager to hotten up the salsa-Mike