Thursday, August 14, 2008

Breakfast with Stacey

On Saturday 8.9.08 Deanna, her kids, my kids and I met Stacey and her kids (6 kids total!) for breakfast at Chik Fil A (am I spelling that right???). We had fun and the kids played on the indoor playground. Olivia did not want her picture taken but she did let Britt take one of her. In the group pic you can see the stripes of Olivia's dress behind Stacey. Too funny! It is good that Clay is bigger than Logan (for right now anyway!) so we can tell which one is which in the pictures. They really resemble each other. The women got a chance to catch up. Great to see you Stac, 2 weeks in a row. Now, let's plan that Purdue football game!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

It was fun seeing you guys!!!
Love and miss you!