Friday, October 17, 2008

8 Things

I got tagged by Stacey and I too am going to be able to only come up with 4 things! Thanks for the tag Stac! This is fun!

4 Things that happened yesterday
1. Worked
2. Picked the kids up from school
3. Went to Texas Roadhouse for Sandi's bday
4. Missed my Mom

4 Favorite places to eat
1. McDonalds
2. Macallisters
3. Papa Johns
4. Justrite

4 TV shows I love to watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. the old 90210 (ugh, I know!)
3. Gilmore Girls on ABC Family Channel
4. ER

4 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Spring vacation with the family
2. the holidays with my family
3. making my Christmas cards
4. basketball season for my kids

4 Things on my wish list
1. Kenny Chesney
2. Macallisters Sweet Tea
3. More time
4. Healthy winter for my family

4 People I tag:
1. Jill
2. Alicia
3. Beth Boswell
4.Angie Lebo

have fun!


Mom of Double A said...

Susie---did you watch ER last night?
I have a feeling I'm going to be crying like a baby after every episode of this final season!

Miss you!


Susie said...

yes I did and I too have a lump in my throat or have tears during every episode. That is what good tv is made of though-right??? What will sweeps week bring???

love you susie

Beth said...

Yes, ER was good, but I hope every episode is not so heart-wrenching. Aaaah!!!