Friday, November 21, 2008

Possible Mono, Stomach Flu, Hiney Injury!!!

What a busy week for our household! I will begin with Britt and her throat. I took her to the dr on Tues for what I thought was strep throat (the 2nd time within a month!?!?!). They did a strep test and a blood test for mono. Both tests came back negative! Hooray! As a very active family it was going to be hard to keep Britt down if she had mono for 6-8 weeks and not play any organized sports when we are headed into bball season! Then, on Wed. evening Clay started complaining about his stomach hurting. All you parents have been there, you prepare for the vomit to begin and then you wait and wait. Well, needless to say we were up half the night and Clay stayed home from school on Thursday to recuperate. Kids are so speedy in their recovery time. I get sick and I tiptoe around food for the next week, Clay wants potato chips for breakfast! YUCK! While I was stripping the beds to wash everything that I could get my hands on to prevent the rest of the family from getting the flu, I fell on the stairs. Picture this, hands and feet up in the air and all my weight landed on my tailbone on the bottom step. I can admit, I am sure this was a funny sight but I seriously don't remember the last time I cried because I was in physical pain but I did yesterday! Since there is nothing a dr can do for you, I am taking Ibuprofen and I am sitting on a herbal neck wrap thing that I have. Very painful! Not sure how clean my house will be for next week's Thankgiving or if the homemade yeast rolls will get made but at least I didn't break a leg or something! Needless to say, watch out for my family this week, if you see us coming, politely walk away!! HA! But one thing to ponder, they say things come in 3 so maybe we have met our quota! Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and travel safe!


Stacey said...

WOw Susie! What a week for you guys! I am praying your hiney feels better soon and that you all stay well! Love and miss you!

Mom of Double A said...

Oh Susie...I so feel your pain.
Remember the story that Kevin kicked me in 7th grade and fractured my tailbone?!
That is the worst pain ever..because you can't do anything about it!!
I'm so sorry you fell.

Love you!!

Beth said...
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