Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Celebrating Dad's and Deanna's Birthdays 10.3.09

Miss Kennedy all decked out in Halloween attire!!!

Kennedy is really starting to warm up to us, i.e. here with Aunt Pam

Kennedy crawling over to Lincoln

Is it just me or does this little girl look mischievous!?!?!!

Uncle Kenny holding Lincoln-believe me, Uncle Kenny does NOT like his picture being taken

Lincoln is a full-blown thumb sucker!  I have a special place in my heart for thumb-suckers!

Kennedy chillin out with Papa

Miss Morgan holding Lincoln

Uncle Chris and Aunt Deanna holding Lincoln

On Sunday, Britt, Madi, and Brayden caught this toad at Papa's, much to their delight Papa said they could bring it in the house to show Aunt Deanna and myself

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big Kennedy it....she soooo cute!! and love the pic of Lincoln cuddled up to you!! I looks like a perfect fit!!