Monday, April 4, 2011

Christmas Day & Brittany's 10th Birthday 2010

Miss Britt finding her new zebra room decor from Santa!   

A very WIDE-eyed Clay finding a few Bears gifts from Santa! 
Clay made me a special gift at school this year.  It was a beautiful plate!  What a great keepsake!

Jerry, Alicia, Alayna, Jared, and Jaden posing on Christmas morning.  It was so nice to have them home this year for the holidays! 

Clay got his football gloves from Papa and Mama 

We got Alicia this fabulous cookbook, one that I would love to have personally!
Chad, aka Surf Ken, playing with Alayna, aka Mermaid Barbie.
This is Jerry, actually a very happy Jerry, in his new Colts' gear. 
Chad, this is a very excited Chad, with his new light up Bears guy. 
Chad & Brittany playing Just Dance on the wii. 
Brittany got an IPOD for her birthday!  She was so excited! 
Look at these snow beauties! 
I seriously love this picture of Jaden!  I just want to eat him up!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

LOVE the pics Suz! Can't believe Brittany is 10!! I still remember shopping for brides maids dresses and being so clueless when you checked to be sure you would be ok with a baby bump. remember that?