Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter 2011 & Brayden's Birthday Party 4.24.11

On Easter my family meets at Chris and Deanna's house.  We are very lucky that Mike and Sandi also come so we get to celebrate with both sides.  The kids, above, get pretty dressed up for Easter church services. 
my, my, my Brittany is turning into quite a pretty, young lady! 
Mr. Drew, adorable 1 year old! 
This is the closest that I got to getting Lincoln to smile, something about the camera made him not want to smile!  ha! 
Mr. Brayden turning 6!  We celebrated after Easter lunch. 

Miss Kennedy, always willing to ham it up! 
One kid hit the jackpot on the stairs during the egg hunt 
Papa helping Lincoln empty his eggs

1 comment:

Boswell said...

Love the eggs on the stairs!