Thursday, July 16, 2009


As many of my friends/family reading my blog know, I lost my mom to cancer 3 years ago (as of 7-14-09). Obviously this event in my life had a huge impact on me and it continues to effect me, sometimes on a daily basis. This year I decided (listen to that, "I decided" like God doesn't have anything to do with it!?!?!) it would be an easier "anniversary" because more time has passed. NOT THE CASE! I thought that I would busy myself thru the day and just remember good times and make it more of a sentimental day than a sad one. WELL, let me tell you, you can run/hide/deny/ignore your feelings for a while but eventually they come back to bite/haunt you!?!?!!?

My mom was a great lady. She lived for her family. She was very unselfish. She was huge part of my life. I get told that I am very maternal the way my mom was. Everyone leaves a legacy. If my mom's legacy is a determinator for the kind of life she led, than I can honestly say her life was a good one.

I don't know that time will ever make it easier for me. I don't know that July 14th will ever be considered a "good day" but I do know that I watched as my mom was baptized and I know that Mom is in Heaven. I know that the cancer that took over her body no longer has control over her. I know that Mom is watching over us. I also know that Mom is proud of whom her children turned out to be. I know this because Mom spent her life showing us love and support. I praise God for choosing Mom to be my mother.


Beth said...

Thanks for sharing, Susie. My mom is one of the most important people in my life and I am thankful for her every day. Your post was so heartfelt. Again, thanks for sharing your heart.

Unknown said...

I love you so much Suz! My favorite memories of your mom are how warm and welcoming she was everytime I came to your house and all that she did for my wedding. Our candle, the flowers and all of the other little details she helped with! I think she was the only one who didn't laugh when I said "What is Just Rite?" HA! I miss her too!

Stacey said...

Not sure why that last comment is under of other email... :)

Anonymous said...

I love you!!! and I know she's really proud of all of you!!

Mom of Double A said...

What a nice post about your Mom!
I heard the song recently that was played at the service for your Mom (I know where I'm going--is that the name) and I just cried thinking of her and your family.
Your Mom was so thoughtful and kind and I see so much of her in you.
Love you!

Addy said...

I only met your Mom a handful of times, but every time I did see her she made me feel like a part of the family! She was always so friendly!