Thursday, June 3, 2010

Silly Bandz-the new craze

Here is the array of silly bandz bracelets that my kids have.  They are similar to the jelly bracelets I had growing up other than they keep a shape when they aren't on your arm.  Britt was very excited to get 2 giraffes and a heart and to lay them together on the paper.  They have a school bus, cat, dinosaurs, guitars, etc.  They are starting to be forbidden in schools due to the trading of bracelets (distraction factor).  The kids are all into collecting them and to be honest, it is a pretty cheap hobby!


Stacey said...

LOVE all of the updates! some friends brought some bandz over the other day, SO CRAZY that they are so popular! too funny!
miss you! I'll let you know when your order is in and we can meet!

Mom of Double A said...

Avery LOVES these silly bandz - asks me every day if we can go to the store to get more.
I like the school bus one that Clay has - haven't seen that one yet.

Beth said...

Our neighbor girls came over last night and gave Chip a duck silly band. He wanted the frog, but our little neighbor girl said that was her favorite so Chip couldn't have it. Cute!

Beth said...

P.S. It seems these are the "slap" bracelets of our days.