Thursday, August 27, 2009

Salsa Making 2009

Went over to Miss Tina's last night for this year's salsa making. We were joined by Susie R. (a co-worker of Tina's) who wanted to see how we made our salsa and you know that after one year of making salsa we are experts. Hardy, Hare, Hare! Well, let me clarify my salsa is the wimpy (very much mild) and Tina's is the "let's get crazy hot" type. So, Susie was able to sample both and add the ingredients to her liking. I love all the colors that make the salsa-the vibrant reds, greens, etc. Salsa is alot of work but we had a great time and I brought home 13 jars! Enjoy the pics!
Susie R, Tina, Me (can you believe it? I'm in these pictures!)

Notice the Polar Pop! Dr. Pepper is a must!

Gotta LOVE our aprons, I am telling you 1 yr's experience changes the way we did things! For example, we both bought canning kits that include the jar gripper for lifting jars in and out of the water baths.

The photographer, the carrier of all things heavy, the encourager to hotten up the salsa-Mike

Monday, August 24, 2009

Movie Review The Time Traveler's Wife

Went to see this movie with my great friend Tina. I LOVE Rachel McAdams from my all time fav movie-The Notebook. Rachel, of course, is as beautiful as ever and very convincing as the wife Claire to Eric Bana. The movie was really good! Time travel is not something I am an expert so I am sure there were details that I missed this 1st time watching it, but, not to worry, I will be buying this movie when it comes out on dvd! Some tears were shed but all good love stories involve emotion-right girls???

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pet Update Aug 09

I just wanted to post an update on our pets. The glorious Sara is adjusting quite well to the new puppy Coco. I will not say they love each other but they tolerate each other!

Coco and Hester wrestle 90% of the time, if they aren't wrestling/biting each other they are sleeping or eating! HA!

Coco went to her final puppy shot appt this week. We started out at the 1st visit at 5lbs, the 2nd visit she was 10lbs, now she is 18.3lbs! Since we aren't sure what breed she is (affectionately she is our Heinz 57), the vet estimated that she will be around 50 lbs. The best news is that she is a very healthy puppy, which we feel lucky about! I LOVE her new girly collar embroidered with my fav flower the sunflower!!! The collar was even called Suzie Q! Too funny!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Surprise Retirement Party for Mike (my awesome father-in-law)

Mike approaching the party!

Mike questioning how we managed to fool him so well!

Sandi, my mother-in-law, decided to have a surprise retirement party for Mike several months ago. We chose the date, 8.15.09 so Alicia and her family could be here, sent the invitations, made the trip to Sam's Club, etc. I still am amazed that Mike didn't have a clue! With 4 pretty young grandchildren (ranging from age 2 to age 8), it was incredible they didn't spill the beans!!!!!

The kids made a "Cards for Mike" box

It was a beautiful, hot August day for an outdoor party. I'm not sure of the final head count because we stopped counting at 80 people. The favorite moment was when Mike prayed before everyone started eating. His voice cracking, he thanked the Lord and stated how overwelmed he was to have everyone there. My father-in-law is not a crying kind of guy, so that moment made all the preparations worth it! Love ya, Mike!

Along with many cards and gift cards, Mike received 7 dozen golf balls. To say golf is a passion of Mike's would be the understatement of the year! Mike also received a "Viagra" box from the Anderson family, which created alot of laughter by everyone.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Family over for dinner and hot tubbin'

Mike, Sandi, Jerry, Alicia, Alayna, and Jared came over for dinner last night. The kids helped make dinner and then it was time for some hot tub fun!

Britt with Aunt Ali
Jared, Papa Mike, and Uncle Chad-LOVE the white bellies!!!

Alayna with Mommy

the girls posing

8.11.09 1st day of school

Well, it is official Chad & I now have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader! WOW!

Here is the annual 1st day of school picture before school.

Britt had a back-to-school outfit all planned out, but since she got new shoes her outfit totally changed. I think this might be a precursor to days to come of "I have nothing to wear" but I will try to ignore Britt's newfound feelings of fashion.

Clay just wanted a new bball outfit. We found a Jordan outfit that Clay was very excited about. It was neat to see him so happy and feeling so cool to be in a new bball outfit.

Cute pics of Clay, Jared, & Alayna

just a few pics of the kids enjoying the kiddie pool at Mama & Papa's house

All Star Pizza Party 8.8.09

As a wrap up to the All Star Softball season, Coach Perkins had a pizza party. The Templin family was gracious enough to host the event at their house (with inground pool). The girls had alot of fun swimming, eating, and chatting.

Coach Perkins also had shirts made for the girls. Hot pink with OH logo on the front, on the back each girl's name and number was listed in their batting order. VERY COOL! The girls love them and have even set a day for all of them to wear them to school this coming Friday.

The girls managed to "drag" their coach into the pool-clothes, shoes, all.

Fish Fry & Steam Engine Show August 09

Clay, Aunt Susie, and Lincoln

Miss Britt with Lincoln
Aunt Mary with Lincoln (Kennedy wasn't too keen on Mommy holding another baby! HA!)

Aunt Susie with Lincoln

Britt with Kennedy

We headed to Rville to see my Dad at his fire station's annual fish fry/tenderloin dinner. We got to visit with lots of people. Pam, Jay, and baby Lincoln were there. Kenny, Mary, and Kennedy were there too. It was a nice evening of catching up and holding all the babies!!!!

Lincoln absent mindedly blowing bubbles! just adorable!
Papa Miller with Kennedy

The next morning we headed to the fire station's breakfast then we went to the annual Steam Engine Show. It was getting really HOT by this point. The kids enjoyed some homemade ice cream made by a steam engine. At high noon all the steam engines blow their horns, as you can tell in this pic, some horns are pretty LOUD! Last year I posted about my friend Aaron and his wife that lost their baby in an accident at the Steam Engine grounds. They began a foundation and one purpose was to build an eco-friendly playground. They raised the $ and the new equipment "Tobi Land" made its debut this year. The equipment is super big and super fun for all the kids to enjoy.