Thursday, July 29, 2010

Girls vs Boys (in our household anyway!)

I often get asked if my children are twins despite the 2 year age difference.  Brittany is a tiny thing while Clay is considered to be one of the taller boys in his class.  At the ages of 7 1/2 and 9 1/2 years old, they are becoming "big" kids.  I have started to realize some very distinct differences between the young lady and the young man in our home.  Here is just one example:

Back to School Shopping

Girl-Mom, I want to go shopping with you this year, our taste is just, just different, you know!  (not said in a sarcastic tone but a very meaningful statement no less)

Boy-Mom, you can go without me and buy me everything you can think of, except jeans, khaki's, dress shirts (yes, that only leaves basketball/football shorts, jerseys, and tshirts!)

Boy-My recent conversation with my son went like this, "Clay, I bought your new tennis shoes last night.  I hope I got you the right..." (this is as far as I got before Clay interuppted);  "Thank you, Mom."-I will never complain about being told Thank You from my children, but I didn't get to tell him that they are Bears blue New Balance size 2, which I hope will still fit his evergrowing feet, I bought them on sale and I had a coupon, etc., etc.  Clay just simply didn't need to know any specifics! 

Girl-after hearing the conversation with Clay, "Mom, please let me pick out my own tennis shoes, please!"  I quickly replied that I wouldn't have even thought I was capable of picking out my 9 going on 15 year old's tennis shoes for the 4th grade school year.  Once again, Britt didn't speak with any sarcasm but straight-to-the-point honestly that I don't have a lick of fashion sense in me!

Oh, Brother, I have a feeling my fun is just beginning!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Too cute Suz! Girls just have minds of their own! Love that Clay is ok with anything. Hug them for me, miss you!