Thursday, August 14, 2008

1st Day of School August 2008

Clay started Kindergarten on 8.12.08. He was SOOO excited. Britt started 2nd grade. With Clay not having any attachment issues it went very smoothly. He loves going to school and being big like Brittany. Cutting the apron strings went a little easier than I thought. It was much easier to go on to work knowing that your children are where they feel comfortable. Here are some pics from the big 1st day. The last picture is Clay blowing me a kiss. The teachers had the kids line up and blow kisses to their Moms and Dads and say "Good Bye". I know it was their way of getting the parents to walk away but seriously, I could have walked him to the classroom!!! Maybe the apron strings were still a little attached!!! HA!


pampeggs said...

So cute. Wish I could have been there, however I might have been worse than you. Love and Miss you guys.

Stacey said...

how is clay old enough for school? Where does the time go???