Thursday, August 14, 2008

Manilla Fire Dept.'s Fish Fry 2008

My dad is the chief of the Manilla Fire Dept. Every year they have a fish fry. This year they had a pedal tractor pull for the kids and had Air Vac land. The kids were allowed to get in and check it out. Clay was in heaven. I think my dad enjoyed watching the kids in the tractor pull. We had perfect weather-sunny but not really hot. I got to see some friends from high school. Nate Norris brought his son and then his wife Erin came. They have 3 little boys and have a 4th baby on the way. It was nice to catch up with them. I also saw Jerry Gulley and his daughter was in the pedal pull as well. It was nice to run into some people that I don't see very often! We had a nice day.

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