Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Church Camp

Britt is currently at church camp. Although the distance is very close (lucky us!), I feel like she is a million miles away! I am so happy that Brittany wanted to go to camp and spend 2 nights in a cabin with a few other girls. I LOVE that she wanted to go and learn more about God. We eagerly packed her bag on Sunday afternoon. We had pits in our stomachs-hers because it wasn't time to leave yet, me because my daughter was old enough to go AWAY to camp!!! Her best friend was registered as her bunkmate so Chad and I felt that would help with the "staying at camp" issue. She was so excited at check-in. The good bye wasn't too bad, for her anyway!

I am so proud of my daughter! What a fine, independent young lady I have!

I cannot wait to pick her up this afternoon and hear everything about camp. I want to listen to her detail the memories that she will have for the rest of her life of the 1st time she went to camp. I want to listen to her detail everything she learned while reading her Bible and studying God's word with her friends.

Follow-up post coming soon!


Beth said...

That's Great! I wish we'd had a camp around us where I grew up. That's really great that she is excited to learn about God's word and that she has friends who will encourage that. :)

Mom of Double A said...

I can't believe she's old enough. I still remember my first 2-day stay at church camp. I remember the name of my friend that became my penpal for the next 5+ years and my counselor.
How fun!
Can't wait to hear about her stories.

Stacey said...

That can't be! I still remember holding her in the hospital! wow!