Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8.11.09 1st day of school

Well, it is official Chad & I now have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader! WOW!

Here is the annual 1st day of school picture before school.

Britt had a back-to-school outfit all planned out, but since she got new shoes her outfit totally changed. I think this might be a precursor to days to come of "I have nothing to wear" but I will try to ignore Britt's newfound feelings of fashion.

Clay just wanted a new bball outfit. We found a Jordan outfit that Clay was very excited about. It was neat to see him so happy and feeling so cool to be in a new bball outfit.


Beth said...

Brittany and Clay look soooo grown up! You know what it means when the kids get older...the parents get older too...jk! Hope they had a great day!

Stacey said...

Wow, they are getting so big! miss you!

Mom of Double A said...

Wow-is the 1st grader taller than the 3rd grader? That boy is going to be huge-better get him an agent! :) My "little" brother didn't pass me until I was in high school.
Loved catching up on all of your posts and I love that you spend so much time with your families. The kids will cherish their time with their cousins as they get older.
How Fun!
Miss you~Jill