Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Break March 2010 Part 2

On Tuesday we drove to St. Augustine, FL.  There were tons of cool shops and a fort! 
Th fort was very cool and still in very good condition! 
I hope you can read some of the history!
draw bridge
character that almost looked fake!
Clay was all over this gun!  I think he would have liked to carry it thru the fort!

Clay and Sandi behind bars!
I just loved this old door!  I would have taken it home with me!
the kids weren't too excited posing for these pics but gotta have pics for the blog!
this pic was taken from the top of the fort, as you can tell there are no safety rails/walls to prevent you from falling off the edge.  Clay made me more than nervous but it was cool how much the fort has been preserved.
This Irishman was in an alley along the shops. He had an amazing voice and sang "Old Chicago" when he saw Clay's Cubs shirt. 
Go Carts!!!  Chad and Clay
Mike and Britt
Susie and Brooke
Cam and Colin
Chad and Britt
Susie and Clay

I am usually not a competitive person but the guys were dead set that they would always beat me.  I will give them that some of the carts are significantly slower than other carts, BUT I won 2 of the 3 races!  The last race I thought we were going to get kicked off the track because Cam and Chad were not only trying to pass me they were trying to wreck me!!!!  Let's just say, I walked away with some bragging rights!  HA!

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